Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Sweet Bread

I have baked this sweet bread for Easter, and it was delicious. It looked pretty nice too so I have decided to take also some pictures of it. For the photo above I've used a kitchen napkin and baking paper as props. I find that baking paper looks really good in food photography, I tend to use it a lot when I can't decide on a serving plate. 
For the picture below I've used again the trick with several plates/trays, in this case I have placed the sweet bread in two loaf pans, and I have also replaced the baking paper, the one that I have actually used for baking the bread turned yellow at the corners. Also, I have put some paper towel under the bread, to lift it up a little bit. 

I have added the honey only for the picture, the bread was sweet enough without it :)

And a close-up :)

Click Click Guten Appetit!

Update: took another picture with a little bit of  strawberry jam :)


  1. Perfect sweets for a Perfect Easter :)

    1. Awwww .... you are too kind! It really was a Perfect Easter !

  2. Brigitte HorvathMay 3, 2016 at 9:12 AM


    1. I am so HAPPY that you like it! Thanks for the recipe by the way :)
